Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Rules for Success

       My Rules For Success

  1. Stay Dedicated and Motivated
  2. Think Outside the Box
  3. You Can Achieve Anything As Long As You Believe In Yourself
  4. There Will Be People Judging You But You Have To Stay Focused
  5. Be Trustworthy & Honest
  6. Don't Lack Off
  7. Push Yourself In Doing Better
  8. Be Responsible, Hardworking, Patient, Grateful
  9. Have Good Sportsmanship 
  10. Just Be You


 These are my top 10 rules for success. I guide myself with these rules because they make and help me become a better person about myself. In school or elsewhere you have to be dedicated and be motivated in doing something you know is right as in being responsible for your work be grateful for what you have in your life and just don't complain for any little thing that comes in your way. In order to achieve something you really want to do you need to make the right choices and out of those good choices you made a good consequence comes right back benefiting you in many ways possible. Most importantly you have to be yourself because you are the one that makes up the real you. You are capable of doing anything possible if you have hope and faith in yourself and if you aren't letting obstacles get in your way from doing whats best for you.

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