Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Rules for Success

       My Rules For Success

  1. Stay Dedicated and Motivated
  2. Think Outside the Box
  3. You Can Achieve Anything As Long As You Believe In Yourself
  4. There Will Be People Judging You But You Have To Stay Focused
  5. Be Trustworthy & Honest
  6. Don't Lack Off
  7. Push Yourself In Doing Better
  8. Be Responsible, Hardworking, Patient, Grateful
  9. Have Good Sportsmanship 
  10. Just Be You


 These are my top 10 rules for success. I guide myself with these rules because they make and help me become a better person about myself. In school or elsewhere you have to be dedicated and be motivated in doing something you know is right as in being responsible for your work be grateful for what you have in your life and just don't complain for any little thing that comes in your way. In order to achieve something you really want to do you need to make the right choices and out of those good choices you made a good consequence comes right back benefiting you in many ways possible. Most importantly you have to be yourself because you are the one that makes up the real you. You are capable of doing anything possible if you have hope and faith in yourself and if you aren't letting obstacles get in your way from doing whats best for you.

Class Evaluation

1.  Some things that I like about the class is that you get to learn new things that you didn't know of before as in peoples life experience etc. I also like that we get to type our opinion about a word that benefits us in our daily life and write examples of what to do so that you can be successful in your life and achieve new things.

2.  Things that I don't like about the class is that we don't really learn much about actually Exploring Computer Science , we just mainly do quotes. Another thing that I don't like about this class in general is that we had to do a project but it wasn't really well explained in how to do it, we just had to follow instructions on the computer that was kinda complicated to understand. I also didn't like that we had to write on our journal about the HTML.

3.  Recommendations for this class in improving would be maybe talk more in depth about Exploring Computer Science. The whole part about doing the quotes and watching videos about the word that would benefit us was actually pretty good. I believe that should stay, because of it we learn more things and what people are actually capable of.

4.  The highlight for me in this class was the quotes we would do. I really liked them. They helped me a lot in choosing the right and doing the better for myself by learning from my mistakes and just push myself in doing what I know is right. Writing about the quotes gave me a better understanding of how the real world is and with the quotes they help you in what to do to achieve what you want to do in life.

5.  I believe i actually did by best in this class. My grade for this class is a B. I know I could've done better by bringing my Life Planning Goals Journal on some days that i would forget it. But overall I think I did good in this class to get the grade that I have right now. This class was pretty easy because you just need to follow instructions and type. Not only that I would also do my work when it was instructed to, by creating a new post and write about experiences, quotes, etc.

6.  Yes! I have and am reading my Life Planning Goals Journal for at least 5 minutes daily. The reason in why I am reading it for 5 minutes everyday is because i know I can do anything possible in achieving what I want to do in my life. It just takes time and dedication , but most importantly motivation to pursue what you want. Reading and writing on my journal helps me and guides me in life.

7.  Yes! I am committed to being a CTR Person. I am committed because I like to help people when they need it. I like being there for people in there good and bad times. If a person is dealing with something I would be a CTR person and be with them guiding them to fix whatever is wrong because I know if I was in there situation I would also want the help and opinion from someone else.

Monday, June 5, 2017

The Top 10 Rules For Success


        Top 10 Rules
                             By: Steph Curry                             
  1. Visualize Your Goals
  2. Be The Hardest Working Person
  3. Stay Confident
  4. Do It Your Way
  5. Be Creative
  6. Stay In The Moment
  7. Better Yourself Everyday
  8. Have An Upbeat Personality
  9. Be the Best Version Of Yourself
  10. Actions Speak Louder Than words


These Top 10 rules For Success By Steph Curry are really important to one another because it motivates us in doing better, and do things you know that you're capable of in life. If you follow these rules in some of your daily life activities then it can benefit you in many ways because they are guiding you in doing the better for you. You have to follow your goals and work hard for what you want and for what you want to achieve. Be confident in yourself knowing that you can do anything possible. Be the best and just give it your all because it can and will give you a big advantage in life. Without these 10 rules then we would always just be negative about others but most importantly in your self because you aren't being motivated. That is by these top 10 rules for success are very important in our life.

Thursday, June 1, 2017

The Top 10 Rules for Success

                                                          Top 10 Rules 
                                                                 By: Cristiano Ronaldo

  1. Just Play
  2. Be Competitive
  3. Always Take On New Challenges
  4. Know Your Priorities
  5. People Will Judge You
  6. Work Hard
  7. Believe You Are The Best
  8. Play For The Team
  9. Enjoy The Moments
  10. Have A Sense Of Humor


      These 10 Rules for Success by Cristiano Ronaldo can and will benefit me in my daily life activities. I can put and adjust these rules in school, at home, and when Im playing a sport. These Rules will help motivate in doing the best and achieving in what you want. If you work hard and believe you are the best then you don't have anything to worry about because you are focused and you believe in yourself that you can do anything possible to achieve something you want to do.

Friday, May 19, 2017

    10 Seeds of Greatness

Denis Waitley 10 seeds of greatness.jpg

Seed 1: Self Esteem

Self Esteem reflects a person’s overall subjective emotional evaluation of his or her own worth. It is judgement of oneself as well as attitude towards yourself. Lacking of self esteem can lead to people becoming depressed, to fall short of their potential, or to tolerate abusive situations or relationships. On the other hand too much can put an off-putting sense of entitlement and there comes some mistakes and failures to learn from. For example, you’re going to have an AP test and you’re really nervous because the AP test isn’t really your best subject so you start to think negative but to show self esteem is that you have to say to yourself that you can overcome this test because you know better (Appreciate the value of yourself, From self-love to self-worth)

Seed 2: Creativity
Creativity is the use of the imagination or original ideas, especially in the production of an artistic work. Having creativity it gives you the capability to express yourself through out many ways in your life, as in school you can put creativity in projects such as put in ideas, think outside the box, think of something no one thought of before, or in work you can show creativity by doing something different to finish something faster. Without creativity then we will all be the same boring and basic. Creativity helps you and shows people what you are really capable of in. "Releasing your creative energy"

Seed  3: Responsibility

responsibility-concept-25321624.jpg Responsibility is the opportunity or ability to act independently and make decisions without authorization. There are many examples to show and demonstrate responsibility. For as one right now i am being responsible because I am doing my work as i am assigned to do. I’m not wasting time and I’m following directions. Another example to demonstrate responsibility is by arriving to work, school, and meetings early. You can be responsible at home by taking care of younger siblings, doing your chores, and finishing up your homework etc. (Whatever we sow, we reap)

Seed 4: Wisdom

Wisdom is the quality of having experience, knowledge, and good judgment; the quality of being wise.

Seed 5: Purpose
Purpose means the reason for which something is done and or created, or for which something exists. Purpose also means have of one’s intention or objective. An example of purpose is school, in school you have to work really hard, you need to get good grades, you need to finish all of your assignments , but the purpose into doing all of this is so that we can be ready. Be ready for the future so we could know what to experience and what expect, and also to get a good career. Another example is work, the purpose for work is to handle your personal things when you're older because you need to take care of them yourself. Everything in life has its purpose in existing so we can be ready for what awaits. The gold mine in your goals”

Seed 6: Communication

images (6).jpgimages (5).jpg Communication means the imparting or exchanging of information or news. Communication is very important in our life’s. It is important because without it then everybody would just be distant with the people they encounter with it would just be awkward. Examples of non verbal communication is hugging, handshaking, and body language. Without communication then this world would just be nothing , people wont be really living with themselves because there isn't nothing to do nor learn about through others experiences. “Reach out and touch someone"

Seed 7: Faith
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Faith is complete trust or confidence in someone or something. If you don’t have faith in yourself in accomplishing something then that is bad because you’re just putting yourself down. You need to think and feel positive in yourself and have faith that you can do anything difficult in your life. An example of showing faith is when you have an AP Exam and you’re really nervous even though you spent hours and hours in studying but you have to have faith in yourself saying that you know you are going to do well in this exam and just think positive. “The power of positive believing


Seed 8: Adaptability

Adaptability means the quality of being able to adjust to new conditions. It also means the capacity to be modified for a new use or purpose. Adaptability is very important in our daily life because you have the ability to make change happen, it is a crucial skill for leaders , and an important competency in emotional intelligence. An example of adaptability would be when you are working and then a problem comes up, well you have to stay calm meaning don't put pressure on yourself because you know you have the ability to change and fix the problem to make the problem go away. "Turning Problems Into Opportunities"

Seed 9: Perseverance

Perseverance is the steadfastness in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success. In other words it means, continue steady belief or efforts, withstanding discouragement. Perseverance in life is an essential quality if one is to realize there goals and achieve success. Many people don't follow what they want because of that lack of perseverance. Examples of having perseverance is needing to have faith, motivation, and dedication in yourself. Also you have to develop what you truly desire and step by step try to accomplish what you want and you have to be aware of the obstacles and consequences you will have and be facing. " The will to win is everything"

Seed 10: Perspective

Perspective is a particular attitude toward or way of regarding something; a point of view. There are many ways to use perspective in your daily activity. For example, in writing perspective is an important tool because choosing an effective perspective helps them find out a right voice for there narrators. A perspective in art would be in where a drawing has one point perspective when it contains one vanishing point on the horizon line. But most importantly this seed is important because its on the way you look at things. Without perspective then you wouldn't and you're not thinking enough to think for the better. " Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace, and gratitude"

Final Reflection:
           These are the 10 Seeds of Greatness. Each Seed can benefit you in many ways in your daily life activities or just in general it can help you for the better. Without the 10 Seeds of Greatness then we would be lost, we would just be doing things that are bad for one another. These Seeds guide you in doing the right and avoid and preventing you from doing the wrong. Each seed has its meaning and example to help you have a better understanding about the word. Some seeds show and demonstrate that you have to think outside the box, think something that nobody has ever thought of before. Following these 10 Seeds of Greatness then you live an extraordinary life because you know you are doing just right. 

Monday, February 13, 2017

Building Blocks of the Pyramid of Success

Block 1: Industriousness
"In plain and simple English this means hard work. Very hard work. There is no substitute for every hard work when it comes to success"

Block 2: Enthusiasm

Enthusiasm means intense and eager enjoyment, interest or approval. To be enthusiastic you have to be patient, be creative,be reasonable, be proud, and be positive etc. " It is the engine that powers all blocks of the Pyramid.It is why i chose industriousness and Enthusiasm as the cornerstones of the pyramid of success

Block 3: Friendship

Friendship is the emotions or conduct of friends, the state of being friends. The true meaning of friendship is a bond between people who've made a similar commitment and who possibly share a similar destiny. It implies the deepest connections. What draws people together as friends are common interests, common values, equality, most importantly a commitment to your happiness. "Comes from mutual esteem, respect and devolution. Like marriage it must not be taken for granted but requires a join effort."

Block 4: Loyalty

Loyalty is a strong feeling of support or allegiance; the quality of being loyal to someone or something. For example, lets say you're in a relationship , you have to be loyal to your partner as in being faithful to ones obligations. You can also be loyal to yourself by being true with others and stay committed. Someone who is loyal is trustworthy and you can be sure that this person will be there for you anytime anywhere. Also someone who is loyal has a strong positive strong emotion in regard of others. "To yourself and to all those depending upon you. Keep your self-respect."

Block 5: Cooperation

Cooperation is the process of working together to the same end. Cooperation requires individuals to actively listen to one another, such as when someone in a relationship must understand the actions of their partner. Cooperation also involves recognizing strengths and weaknesses to improve overall result. Examples of cooperation is treating people equally and showing willingness to do more than expected. Cooperation is important because it allows people and groups to work together to achieve a common goal or derive mutual benefits." With all levels of your co-workers. Listen if you want to be heard. Be interested in finding the best way, not in having your own way"

Block 6: Ambition

Ambition is a strong desire to do or to achieve something, typically requiring determination and hard work to achieve success. For example, lets say you want to be a Forensic Anthropologists when you're older, in order to become that you have to show passion as in study really hard and take classes required to be a Forensic Anthropologist and be determined to accomplish the goal. Another example is that since i want to be a professional goalie then I am going to do what it takes to get to that level and get noticed. I'm going to practice everyday to get better because I am ambition about what I want to do. "For noble goals"

Block 7: Self-Control

Self-Control is an aspect in inhibitory control, its to regulate ones emotions, thoughts and behavior in the face of temptations and impulses. For example, lets say there is this bully that happens to bug you and you want to do something about it to end the situation but it can cause in chaos, so instead you take deep breaths and try to calm yourself down and just say to yourself that it isn't the right thing to do. Another example is that like a dog in order for him to earn a treat they put a treat on their nose and if they move just to eat it they aren't using self-control and if they don't eat it that's because they are controlling their behavior. "Practice self-discipline and keep emotions under control. Good judgement and common sense are essential."

Block 8: Alertness

 Alertness is the quality of being alert. In other words it means that you always have to be open minded and think outside the box. Think ahead of others. For example, in school you have to be alert that its not the time to be fooling around once you start going into your sophomore year because if you just don't care then you won t be having an easy future you're going to have to be struggling more than what you already have been struggling. Another example is that in some situations you have to be alert of some of the consequences you can get if you don'y pay attention." Be observing. Stay open-minded. Be eager to learn and improve."

Block 9: Initiative

Initiative is the ability to assess and initiate things independently. In other words it also means the power or opportunity to act or take charge before others do. For example, lets say you're going to do an interview in order to be initiative you have to have an initial presentation as in walk-in strong and confident and have your portfolios as in resume and references to show them how initiative you are. By being initiative you have to be alert for ways to make something better.Take it upon yourself, always think ahead so you can overcome obstacles like if they weren't there in the first place. "Cultivate the ability to make decisions and think alone. Do not be afraid of failure, but learn from it."

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Chris Paul Scores 61 Points in High School for His Grandfather

   Chris Paul was a high school basketball player. He and his grandfather were very close. His grandfather would support him more than anything. He would leave work early just because Chris had a basketball game and he wanted to go to see him play. Until the day came in where they murdered his grandfather, Chris Paul of course was very upset but he still didn't want to give up. He wanted to make his parents but most importantly his grandfather happy. So he played and scored 61 points. Chris Paul was being loyal to the game and to his grandfather because he didn't just give up he knew his grandfather wouldn't have liked the idea of Chris giving up on something that he's passionate about. Chris showed loyalty by showing strong positive emotion in regard to others.

Friday, January 20, 2017

MoreHouse School of Medicine

Name: MoreHouse School of Medicine

Location: 720 Westview Dr SW, Atlanta, GA 30310

Admissions Requirements: A major goal of undergraduate college work should be the development of the applicant's intellectual talents and to provide for his/her overall development and maturation. The premedical studies required for admission are set in order to provide the student with a firm grounding in subjects considered essential for the study of medical sciences, while providing the Admissions Committee a means to evaluate aptitude for scientific work, and to determine interest in the sciences.

Tuition: $21,000 USD

Degrees Offered: 
  • MD Program 
  •  Ph.D and M.S Programs 

Areas of Study and Specialization:
  • Physiology
  • Medicine
  •  Pediatrics
  • Surgery
  • Biology 
  •  Pathology and Anatomy

Monday, January 9, 2017

School Break Days

a) What I did for My 3 weeks of vacation was babysit my siblings. They were all being troublemakers, especially my little sister. She was just running around all over the place and my brothers would just be fighting.

b) I went to Stonewood Mall to myself clothes and shoes and just to have fun with my friends. I went to Knott’s Berry Farm and Six flags.

c) When I went to Knott’s my brother was scared to go on the rides with me, so while I was in line waiting to go on Xcelerator there was a girl that was by herself as well so we just started talking and she said we should go in the Front seat and I agreed. Then we became friends and throughout the day we went on the roller coasters together in the front seat

d) Some movies I watched were Harry Potter even though it was boring, Sing, The autopsy of Jane Doe, Chucky movies, Hunger Games, and Zootopia.

e) No I didn’t play in sports events nor watched

f) Ctr experiences that I did was help my mom take care of my siblings while she was working, I helped my dad fix the truck, I volunteered at the library, and I helped my brother do his homework even though I was getting impatient with him because he’s a slow learner.

g) Books that I read were Bleed like me, If I stay, and Me before you.

h) The only homework that I had to do was my English Homework which was to do 2 essays.

Even though I did so little in my break I still had fun with my family.