Friday, August 19, 2016

Ways to Be

                        9 Wasy to Be Happy and Make Something of your Life

                                                                  Gordon B. Hinckley

The Nine Ways To Be Happy: 

                              1. Be Grateful

         Be Grateful, in other words means "Thank You". Saying thank you shows people how well educated and kind you are. You have to be thankful for your blessings and be grateful for all of the good things that are happening in your life like for having friendly friends, a caring family etc. For example, if your parents do anything to keep you safe and work very hard to provide you then you have to be happy and be grateful that you have people that care for you and wouldn't let you down on your hard moments. I believe you should express appreciation to everyone who does you a favor or assists you in any way. Be grateful for all the obstacles in your life and because of those obstacles you are the person you are today.

 "Life isnt about having what you want, Its about wanting  what you already have, Be Grateful."

                              2. Be Smart
       You have to be smart in the most difficult times in your life. You have to think right in order to fix something. Everything around you is a competition. You have to be prepared in all things. You have to train your minds and hands to become an influence for good as you go forward with your lives. For example,lets say you spread a rumor and it turned into chaos. The best thing to do is be smart, react and tell the truth even though it could change many things but you will feel good in ones self.

  "Educate your mind and hands, whatever your chosen field."

                              3. Be Clean
We live in a place where evil is in the air. It is all around us. Once this evil attaches to you, you cant control yourself and you just let bad things happen because your addicted in doing bad. In order to "Be Clean" you have to avoid bad things. Such as bad talking, violence, crime, etc. Basically don't be with anybody that is a bad influence for you. For example, if you have a friend that drink and smokes a lot etc something can and possibly trigger them into doing something that can lead into chaos and then they will get you into it and that's when they have control and then your just use to it (doing crimes,drinking). But if you have a good friends then they will do anything to help you and stay focused and they show you respect instead of being aggressive with you. Don't waste your time in destructive entertainment.

"Stay Clean from these mind-altering and habit-forming addictions."

                    4. Be Involved In Good Works

Be involved in good works means doing good things. Such as helping homeless people. In doing good orks you feel good about yourself because you did something nice, caring, and helpful. For example, you see a homelss person asking for money,  but instead of giving him money you decide to buy him food, they would not only be happy but so would you for doing something that others dont want to do just because they look dirty or its just a waste a time and money. There is rewards for everything good you do it just takes time. 

“Good works is giving to the poor and the helpless, but divine works is showing them their worth to the One who matters.”
                                                   5.Be True

Image result for be trueBeing true means to always be honest to others and to yourself. If you arent true to yourself then you are always going to live with doubt and you would feel upset. But if you are true to others and yourself then you would always stay positive even though you hear negative things in what they say about you. For example, if somebody tells you something and they dont want you to tell anyone then you have top be true in not saying anything to others.

"Be true to your convinctions. You know what is right, and you know what is wrong."
                              6. Be Positive
Being Positive means with no possibility of doubt: clear and definite. We shouldnt think negative or doubt ourselves in any cause because thinking negative can bring yourself down and may leave you with worry. Each of us turn from the negativism that so permeates our society and look for the remarkable good among those with whom associate. For example, lets say you had a very big important test, you turned it in and now youn are just scared because you dont know if you did good or bad, then you start doubting yourself in saying you didnt ace it etc. But once you get the test back you did pass it with a high grade. You should never doubt yourself because things can actually come out to be better than expected.

"Cynics do not contribute, skeptics do not create, doubters do not achieve"

                               7. Be humble

Humble is an adjective that means marked by meekness or modesty; not arrogant or prideful. A person or a place can be humble, but a person who brags about being humble or not proud, may have too much pride in being "humble" to actually be humble.

Image result for being humble
"Be thou humble; and the lord thy God shall lead thee by the hand, and give thee answer to thy prayers."

                                      8. Be Still
Image result for be prayerfulBeing Still means to not rush in anything. Just take your time. For example, if we were to rush things then we would all be stressed out. Lets say you have a test, and you rush in the test to be the first one, then once you get it back you have a low grade, if you take your time, be still, and take it easy by re-reading and doing notes then in return you get something good.

"Be still, and know that anything is possible."

                                9. Be prayerful
Image result for be prayerfulReflection: These 9 ways are to find happiness in your life and to not live in doubt and just think and be postive in every moment that occurs. Just live life the fullest with no regrets.

"There they are, nine Be’s which, if observed, will bring handsome dividends to any young man or woman. They will add sparkle to your days and peace to your nights. They will save you from heartache and pain. They will bring purpose into your life and give direction to your energies.
They will bring you friends of your own kind. They will protect you from associations that would pull you down and deflect you from your course.
This is a time to be happy. This is a time to feel joy and make friends and enjoy the best this life has to offer. What I have tried to put forth .... are simply a few suggestions, gained from many years of living, to help you do just that. The world will tell that certain kinds of things will bring you happiness – things such as popularity and possessions and satisfying your baser desires.
If today you find yourself only drifting as a leaf in a stream, get hold of yourself and determine you will do better.
At railroad grade crossing, signs of warning were once common. Two cross arms were emblazoned with the words, “Stop, Look, Listen.” They meant that a train could be roaring down the tracks and you had better be alert.

I was riding a train in the Midwest years ago. I looked out the window to my left. A road ran parallel to the tracks. A car with a boy and a girl was speeding down the road a little faster than the train. The car moved ahead until I can no longer see it. Suddenly, the locomotive whistle sounded and the train screeched to a halt as the brakes gripped the wheels. 
We looked out the window on to the other side. There was a mangled car. Police cars soon converged, followed by the ambulance. The boy and girl were both dead. The road they were traveling crossed the tracks. They did not stop, look, or listen. It all happened in an instant.

The better way to Be is the way of these nine Be’s.

The years will inevitably pass, and pass quickly. Today is your day of resolution. Promise yourself to make something good of (your) precious life."

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